Manjit is the stubborn son of an extremely rich man who has a criminal background. Majit’s father decides to appoint a tuition teacher for him so that he could do well in studies. He heirs Professor Khurana for this job. Later, Khurana realizes that teaching Manjit is a great risk as his father is a criminal. What would have happened next?

First Published on: 15:20 pm - 6, Feb 2018
Anurag is a Film Journalist and Hindi Translator. He loves writing about Actors, Singers, Musicians and all celebrities.

मनजीत एक बहुत बड़े गुंडे का जिद्दी बेटा है। उसके पिता ने मंजीत के लिए शिक्षक रखने का फैसला लिया है ताकि वह कुछ पड़ सके। प्रोफेसर खुराना मंजीत को पढ़ाने जाता है लेकिन जल्द ही उसे एहसास हो जाता है कि उसे पढ़ाना कितना खतरनाक है। अब आगे इस कहानी में क्या होगा?

First Published on: 15:20 pm - 6, Feb 2018
Anurag is a Film Journalist and Hindi Translator. He loves writing about Actors, Singers, Musicians and all celebrities.