This is the story of a man who is suffering from amnesia. He meets a girl in an incident. Both of them spend time with each other. But, due to the disease, the man forgets everything after a while. Now, will the girl be able to make him remind everything about her?

First Published on: 13:28 pm - 30, Jan 2018
Anurag is a Film Journalist and Hindi Translator. He loves writing about Actors, Singers, Musicians and all celebrities.

यह एक ऐसे आदमी की कहानी है जिसे भूलने की बिमारी है। वह एक लड़की से मिलता है। दोनों एक दूसरे के साथ समय बिताते हैं। अपनी बिमारी के कारण वह सब कुछ भूल जाता है। क्या वह लड़की उसकी यादाश्त वापिस लाने में उसकी मदद करेगी?

First Published on: 13:28 pm - 30, Jan 2018
Anurag is a Film Journalist and Hindi Translator. He loves writing about Actors, Singers, Musicians and all celebrities.