Four daughters of Dhaneshwar Pitamber are not ready for the marriage because of their own reasons. So, they play a mischevious trick for rejecting every proposal. Pitamber arranges for Raju to marry any of his four daughters. At the airport, Raju is attacked by two con-men, Raja and Kanhaiya. They steal his identity and belongings. Pitamber recognizes Raja as Raju and takes him home. Later, he asks Raja to marry one of his daughters and also find suitable matches for all the remaining three daughters. Pitamber agrees to give dowry to all his son-in-laws. How Raja arranges grooms for Pitamber's daughters forms the rest of the story.

First Published on: 11:49 am - 26, Jul 2017
Piyush Chugh is an established film critic, and Bollywood Trade analyst. He brings to you the latest box office news and collection updates.

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