This is a story of a former boxer, Adi Tomar. He had always dreamt of winning boxing gold for India. However, because of his own coach, he was let down in the most important match. His coach spiked his gloves, leaving him blind in the arena against a mediocre opponent, who was politically influential. Shattered, he turned his life to fights, brothels, and booze. His friends brought him back to boxing, where he is now a coach to Indian women boxing team. He is outrageously honest, because of which he is transferred to Chennai. But he didn’t stop dreaming. He spots a girl named Madhi, from a fisherman community, who had in her a champion that could bring gold to India. But for that, Adi needed to first win her trust and then make her trust that she can do this. For all of this, he had only 9 months before the world championship begins.

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