Satyagraha is the story of four common people who fight against corrupt police officers. A common man & his father wish to meet each other. A woman leads an extremely struggling life. Will all these people be able to fight for their rights & lead a normal life?

First Published on: 18:24 pm - 14, Feb 2018
Anurag is a Film Journalist and Hindi Translator. He loves writing about Actors, Singers, Musicians and all celebrities.

सत्याग्रह चार लोगों की कहानी है जो कि रिश्वखोर पुलिस सिस्टम के खिलाफ लड़ रहे हैं। एक आदमी अपने पिता से मिलना चाहता है। एक औरत संघर्ष से भरी ज़िंदगी जी रही है। क्या ये सभी लोग अपनी मुश्किलों को सुलझा पाएंगे?

First Published on: 18:24 pm - 14, Feb 2018
Anurag is a Film Journalist and Hindi Translator. He loves writing about Actors, Singers, Musicians and all celebrities.