Tutak Tutak Tutiya is a trilingual movie, which is released in Tamil, Telugu, and Hindi. Tutak Tutak Tutiya is the Hindi film title. A L Vijay directed this movie. It was made in one language and after that dubbed into other two languages. This movie was released this Friday.
It’s a Horror Romantic Drama film. Initially AL Vijay made this film in Tamil and later on he dubbed this film into Telugu and Hindi. The movie has everything to entertain all class of audiences. Tutak Tutak Tutiya has South Indian Super hero dance choreographer Prabhu Deva, Sonu Sood and Tammanah in the lead roles.
Till now, the movie collections have been very weak. The movie collections were Rs 40 lakhs on Friday and Rs 50 lakhs on Saturday making it a total of Rs 90 lakhs in first two days. Considering that collections were more on Saturday as compared to Friday, we can expect Sunday to do more.