Everyone has been waiting for Padmavati’s Advance booking reports since 1st December. But due to wide protests by Karni Sena the film had to undergo major changes including a name change to Padmaavat. And finally, the film is releasing on 25th January this year.

But the Producers were afraid because of violent threats from Various organizations to disrupt the screening of the film, so they distributed pre-release copies to the critics and the reviews are awesome. Everyone says that the film is pro Rajput and glorifies the Rajputs like no other film has.

Also, the film has Paid Previews starting Wednesday itself, which is amazing considering the amazing response the film has received from the critics. Let’s take a look at what a typical theatre in Chandigarh looks like for Thursday morning shows.

Padmaavat – Thursday 10 AM Show – as of Tuesday 9 pm)

This indicates a 20% booking for Thursday’s First show which is fantastic. The film is likely to perform very well in Punjab Region. Haryana is also expected to do well unless the screenings go undistrupted.

But the craze is even higher, here the Padmaavat’s advance book stats for Wednesday paid previews and they are indicating that the movie is going 100% full for all shows.

For Wednesday 6 PM Show

The Karni Sena Problem

Activities of Karni Sena have been a big problem for Padmaavat. They are threatening to cause riots at theaters which show the film nationwide. Since this problem could take a sever shape in Rajasthan, Gujrat and some other states, the supreme court has allowed the states to ban the screening of the film on the grounds of public safe and avoiding riots.

But this may not affect the film by more than 20% as its going to perform strongly in other centers like Nizam, Delhi, Chandigarh, Mumbai, Kolkatta and other parts of the country.

The First-day figure is yet to be seen, but Rs. 20 crores plus today on Republic day seems very likely to happen for this film.

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First Published on: 00:12 am - 24, Jan 2018
Rohit is the Founder of BOTY. He loves reporting latest box office collection of various movies.
Posted in Box Office

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