Priyanka Chopra‘s Baywatch was a disappointing venture at the Indian and Overseas Box Office. The film is likely to be a Big Box Office Disaster worldwide. Even the brand that Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson is, could not save the film. Similar Thing Happened with XXX: The Return of Xander Cage which released earlier this year.
Here are the Details First Week Box Office Figures for Baywatch (Gross Figures):
- US/Canada – $45 Million
- India – Rs. 7.5 crores ($1.15 Million)
- Worldwide – $73 Million
These are Disappointing figures and Baywatch which has a Budget of $69 Million may not make any profit at the box office at all. But its still nice to see Indian Actresses playing important roles in Hollywood films.

But, now let’s talk about the Success that Wonder Woman is. Although it’s doing average business in India. The film is a phenomenon worldwide. Here are the Wonder Woman Collections
- US/Canada – $131 Million
- India – Rs. 11 Crores ($1.5 Million)
- Worldwide – $259 Million
These are huge figures and amount to a total of approx Rs 1600 crores in Just one week. Although, very low for a Typical Super Hero movie. But considering the fact that its a Woman Lead Movie with a Female Director, these figures are recording breaking in their categories.
Wonder Woman India Box Office Collections are likely to settle around Rs. 20 crores net in its lifetime, while the movie will cross over $500 Million worldwide.